Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s first prime minister who built the foundations for the city-state, was different things to different people. Former British foreign secretary George Brown called him the “best bloody Englishman east of Suez”. The Chinese government described Lee upon his death as a “strategist embodying Oriental values”. Singapore’s next leader will find it
Cash can be tight for those start-up companies that have yet to sell any products. Best, then, that managers of those groups avoid unnecessary expenses. Nikola Corporation, the clean-energy truckmaker, violated this principle last year in dramatic fashion. The Arizona-based company agreed to a $125mn settlement with the US Securities and Exchange Commission over charges
The government of China does not have the legitimacy that flows from winning an election. But officials in China often claim that the Communist party benefits from something even better: “performance legitimacy”. The idea that the Chinese government easily outperforms the dysfunctional west has been pushed hard during the Covid-19 crisis. At a ceremony in
The coronavirus pandemic is creeping closer to the halls of power in Beijing as authorities rush to avoid an uncontrolled Shanghai-style Omicron outbreak in China’s capital. Beijing is tightening coronavirus restrictions after reporting 41 cases on Sunday. Officials in the city of 22mn, which is also home to the ruling Chinese Communist party’s senior leaders,
Good morning. We don’t break years into thirds, but if we did, we’d be saying “the first third was just awful for stocks”. The S&P 500 hit its all-time high on January 3 — opening day for markets — and is down 14 per cent since then. Today I take the measure of what happened:
The writer is author of ‘How to Be a Better Leader’ and is a visiting professor at Bayes Business School, City, University of London Marks and Spencer is hiring. It needs a new ESG communications manager. The British retailer is looking for a “stellar candidate who combines substantial knowledge of issues such as plastics, human
Totally independent of China’s alleged efforts to establish a military base in the Solomon Islands, it is reprehensible that the US “has not had a permanent diplomatic presence there since 1993”, as you report (April 23). This is a disgrace to the memory of the thousands of US soldiers, sailors and marines who gave their
To suggest as Constanze Stelzenmueller does, that Germany has a “special responsibility to stop Putin’s evil” (Opinion, April 25) would be a distraction for several reasons. First, each country in Europe and the rest of the world has the responsibility to stand up against the unjustified invasion of a sovereign country; the violation of human