Real Estate

The conversation isn’t about returning to the office, Mark Dixon, IWG CEO, told CNBC. Bloomberg / Contributor / Getty Images There’s a “shock” coming for the commercial real estate industry, but the opportunities ahead are huge, according to Mark Dixon, CEO of flexible office company IWG. Technology enabled a “fundamental seismic shift” in commercial real
Hundreds of anti-Netanyahu protesters gathered on Wednesday outside a hair salon after the prime minister’s wife, Sara, was spotted at a hair salon nearby. Picture Alliance | Picture Alliance | Getty Images New concerns about Israel’s economy are leading global investors to question the money they have in the country. Massive protests have intensified in
Autonomous cars are no longer a sign of the future. In the Saudi Arabian capital of Riyadh plans are underway to build a massive city-within-a-city, complete with racetracks for flying cars and immersive experiences that mimic visits to other planets or worlds where people tower over regular-sized buildings. Called The Mukaab (derived from the Arabic