
Here’s an insight into the probability of in the money. This is a perfect video if you’re trading options and if you don’t know much about probabilities in trading options. You’ll learn how you can use these probabilities to your advantage and become better at trading options. #tradingoptions #tradingprobability #optionstrading #inthemoneyprobability #optiontradingprobability #probabilityitm Posted at:
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What are sympathy plays? Something that is played on the news headline based on the initial news coverage. Example: If Google releases completely new algorithms that other search engines can use, it will benefit other search engines such as Yahoo and BIDU, while hurting other companies like newspapers and print companies. – The sympathy play
Here you can learn more about round lots and odd lots. I want to explain these stock market terms, and that way, you will get an insight into how things in the stock market work. #stockmarket #tradingquantity #tradingshares #sharequantity #stockmarketlot #roundlot Posted at: ? Newsletter & Announcements : ? Discord Group: ?
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Looking for the best value stocks? Tracey Ryniec, Stock Strategist at Zacks Investment Research, discusses two stocks that might be worth a closer look by value investors: Horizon Pharma Plc (HZNP) and Dean Foods (DF). Both companies have forward P/Es well below the average of the S&P 500, which is still a sky-high level of
Boeing: Raytheon: Defense stocks are locked and loaded for earnings season and this week we have two of the sector’s most important players, Boeing (BA) and Raytheon (RTN). Which of these aerospace and defense giants is looking more promising heading into earnings? Follow us on StockTwits: Follow us on Twitter: Like
Stock prices are going down – yes, it’s a bear market! Check out this time-tested investing model to help you weather it. In a previous video, we answered the question ‘What is a bear market?’ So the logical follow-up question is: How should I invest in a bear market? ⌚ Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 00:27 Surviving
Is it a good idea to buy a stock with put protection? Check this out and know the secret on how to earn more money with your trades! #stockmarket #stocktrading #stockcharts #stockmarketcharts Posted at: ? Newsletter & Announcements : ? Discord Group: ? Freebies: ? Start Here: ? Options Basics:
Reading an options pricing table or options chain is key to trading options. In this video we will share the basics of reading an options chain, how to read volatility of options spread, the days remaining or time calls vs puts, understanding strike prices, and sorting options by category such as standard, verticals, calendars, and