
Web3 infrastructure firm Quicknode raised $60 million in a Series B funding round, according to an announcement the company made on Tuesday. The capital injection brings the company’s post-valuation to $800 million, and Quicknode says the funds will be used to “further fuel blockchain adoption.” Quicknode Aims to Streamline Web2 to Web3 Movement With $60
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In today’s video David Jones will be talking about one of the simplest trading techniques and that is trading breakouts. Textbooks say that if a trend line breaks, then that’s it – another direction is certain. Well, that’s not exactly true. Patience is key. Making the decisions in the right time at the right price
Connecticut’s surplus projection for the current fiscal year received a $324.7 million boost. The Connecticut Office for Policy and Budget Management’s recently announced forecast for fiscal 2023, which runs through June, projects general fund revenue of $23.2 billion. Compared to December’s projections, revenues are up $265.3 million and expenses are down $59.4 million. That $324.7
In this live session, I want to share with you some updates on a Tesla trade that we did earlier when it comes to options. Also, we’re going to take a look at NVDA, and I’ll show you NVDA earnings trade example. #nvdatrade #nvdaearnings #profitabletrade #tradingoptions #nvdaprofit #optionsbutterfly Posted at: ? Newsletter & Announcements
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If there’s a recession, what can you do as an investor to make sure your portfolio is ready? How should you pick stocks if you are worried about a recession? And which types of stocks tend to be more resistant to recessions? Our Investing 101 series is here to help give you the knowledge you
After FTX collapsed, the incident prompted many major crypto exchanges to publish proof-of-reserves and lists of known addresses so users can verify the solvency of the trading platforms. While the veracity of these proof-of-reserve lists and asset dashboards is debatable, they do provide some insight into the large sums of cryptocurrency held in custody by